A study to determine the role of human faeces used as manure in the transmission of amoebiasis was undertaken at four selected areas in Kano metropolis. A total of one hundred faecal samples, twenty five per site were screened using microscopy method. Out of this; forty five were positive for cysts of Entamoeba histolytica from which a total of 300 cysts were identified. Site A (Ranji) had to total of 59 (19.67%) cysts, site B (Kofar Dawanau) had a total of 60 (20.0%), site C (Kofar Famfo), had a total of 76 (25.33%) and site D (Gyadi-gyadi) had a total of 105 (35.0%). The result showed that sites C and D (Gyadi-gyadi and Kofar Famfo) had the highest number of E. histolytica cysts (25.33% and 35.0% respectively) while sites A and B (Ranji and Kofar Dawanau) had the lowest values of E. histolytica cysts recovered from the four sites (i.e. 19.67% and 20.0% respectively). No significant difference between the sites as per the distribution of the cysts was found using ANOVA at p = 0.05. Based on the result obtained in this study it was concluded that the disease can be transmitted through the use of human faeces as manure. Good sanitary practices amongst others are suggested for control of amoebiasis.
Key words: Human faeces, manure, amoebiasis, transmission, Kano metropolis