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Determination of Chemical Toxicity and Radiation Dose by Burning Tire at ‘Yan Babbaka Unguwa Uku, Yan Awaki, Kano
One of the principal concerns both in industrialized and underdeveloped countries is the health risk assessment of environmental pollution. The health of workers and residents of any environment is impacted by using tires as a source of energy while roasting or preparing food. This study examines the potential health risks associated with the Unguwa-Uku head-skin roaster's operations throughout the course of the three-day Eid-Kabir holiday. The average radiation dose absorbed over a period of 18 hours per day was found to be respectively, exceeding the U.S. standard occupational radiation limit of
The results of both kidney and liver function tests reveal significant levels of urea in samples C and D, which indicates excessive levels of waste product in these samples' blood.