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Prevalence of Microalbuminuria among Diabetic Patients in Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto

FU Bunza
AS Mainasara
MK Dallatu
JM Bunza
IZ Wasagu


Diabetic nephropathy is a common phenomenon in patients with diabetes. Its prevalence risk factors have not been fully  described in black African patients. This study determined the prevalence of microalbuminuria (mal) among diabetic patients in Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital (UDUTH) Sokoto. It involved 100 diabetics and 50 healthy controls.  Mal was  estimated by BCG-dye binding method, while fasting blood glucose (FBG) by glucose oxidation method. The prevalence of mal varied between males (24.3%) and females (16.6%). The duration of the disease ranged from < 5 years (42.0%) with   8(14.5%) having abnormal mal, (58%) >5 years with (31%) having abnormal mal, (30%) < 30 years having (17.1%) having abnormal mal and (70%) >30 years having (24%) with abnormal mal. The prevalence of mal was 22% (17% males and 5% females). FBG differed significantly (p<0.05) between patients (11.01±1.03mmol/l) and control subjects (4.38±0.07 mmol/l). Urinary albumin excretion was significantly higher in diabetics than in control (57.65±18.92 versus 24.16±1.48mg/24hrs respectively). Mal significantly (p<0.05) increased with duration of diagnosis of diabetes (108.6±14 versus 214.6±9.1  mg/24hrs in <5 years and >5years group respectively). Poor glycaemic control was the only modifiable predictor for the  development of mal. Other non-modifiable risk factors related to progression of mal are sex and duration of disease. Early diagnosis of mal and aggressive glycaemic control is hereby recommended.

Keywords: Microalbuminuria, Diabetic nephropathy, Fasting blood glucose