A manuscript submitted to this journal can only be published if it (or a similar version) has not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. Manuscripts must conform to the guidelines outlined below:
Manuscript preparation
- Type of articles:
- Original paper: Maximum of 3,500 words plus no more than 5 figures/tables in total and maximum of 30 references
- Review paper: Maximum of 5,000 words and not more than 50 references
- Case reports: Maximum of 2,000 words
- Manuscripts should be written in English
- The first page should contain name of the Author(s), affiliations and address of the corresponding author. Word count and five relevant keywords should also be supplied
- All other pages should not contain any statement identifying the author(s)
- An abstract not exceeding one paragraph of 300 words should appear at the beginning of the article
- The text should be presented under headings (Example: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion)
- The Harvard style of referencing should be adopted
- Manuscripts should becarefully checked for errors and typed double-spaced on one side of the paper only. Please leave wide margins and number every sheet.
- A letter of submission should indicate that each of the authors has read and agreed with the content of the article and that the article has not been submitted and will not be simultaneously submitted to another journal
- Submission of the manuscript should be accompanied with no assessment fee but the sum of thirty thousand naira only (₦30,000:00) on acceptance of the manuscript as the article processing charge. Request of colour prints will be at the expense of authors solely.
Copyright Notice
The authors transfer copyright ownership of the content of the work in all forms to the Department of Physiotherapy, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.
The authors also confirm that, the work is original and has not been published previously or is not currently under consideration for publication in another journal.