This study was carried out to identify and evaluate the state of trypanosomiasis in Mandiana area and to estimate the prevalence of Trypanosoma spp in the intermediate host (cattle) and in the vector (tsetse fly). Therefore, a cross-sectional parasitological and entomological survey was conducted and a questionnaire on the use of trypanocidal drugs was provided to agro-pastoralists in the study area. For the parasitological survey, 1800 cattle were randomly selected across 30 villages from Mandiana district, in Upper Guinea. The result of the survey indicated an average infection rate of 3% for all the villages, although significant variations were observed between villages, some showing up to 12% of infection. The entomological survey revealed the existence of two species of tsetse flies (Glossina morsitans and Glossina . palpalis submorsitans gambiensis) in the study area.