Four insect galls associated with indigenous Solanum plants are described and biological data on the gallformers and their parasitoids are presented. Flower galls, inhabited by caterpillars of Scrobipalpa sp.nr. concreta (Meyrick) (Gelechiidae), occurred on eight species of Solanum. Stem galls, containing caterpillars of an unidentified gelechiid moth were found on three Solanum species. Two types of leaf gall (nodular and ‘puff galls’) were associated with the same gall midge (Cecidomyiidae) on a single Solanumspecies. Flower and leaf galls caused by the same species were also abundant on cultivated eggplant, although the gall-formers are not listed as pests of the crop. Although no galls occurred on any of three exotic Solanum weeds surveyed, the gall-formers may be useful natural enemies as their indigenous hosts are listed as problem plants.