The species composition, seasonal abundance and spatial distribution of the fish fauna of the Mbashe estuary (8 km long) was determined by means of gill nets. During the 37 month survey period, 2908 fish (2319,8 kg), comprising 27 species, were caught. The family Mugilidae, representing 58,8% of the numbers and 57,4% of the biomass, predominated the catches. In terms of biomass M. cephalus, A. hololepidotus and P. commersonnii were the most important species. Seasonal patterns for 10 of the 27 species were observed. M. cephalus, A. hololepidotus and L. amiawere more abundant in spring/summer, E. machnata and V. buchanani in spring, P. commersonnii and L. tricuspidens increased numerically in winter and M. capensis in autumn, Johnius dussumieri and Valamugil cunnesius were rare in winter and summer, respectively. Largest catches were made in the middle reaches of the estuary followed by the upper and lower reaches, respectively.