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Amniogenesis in the African yellow bat, Scotophilus dinganii

M. van der Merwe


The African yellow house bat, Scotophilus dinganii, was found to be seasonally monestrus, carrying a single foetus in each of the two uterine horns of the bicornuate uterus. Implantation was superficial, with amniogenesis initiated early during embryogenesis. The amnion in S. dinganii was a schizamnion, and it is deduced that its formation was preceded by cavitation of the inner cell mass, with formation of the definitive amniotic cavity, where the floor of the cavity eventually formed the embryonic disc and its roof the ectodermal part of the true or definitive amnion.

Key words: African yellow bat, Vespertilionidae, amnion formation, schizamnion.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2224-073X
print ISSN: 1562-7020