The nearshore ichthyoplankton of Algoa Bay was sampled at six stations over a two-year period between 1980 and 1982. Larvae of 26 families of teleosts were identified with Gobiidae constituting 48,0%, Engraulidae 26,7% and Clupeidae 12,1% of all larvae sampled. Caffrogobius spp., Engraulis capensis and Etmmeus tereswere the dominant species. Representatives of families such as Sparidae and Mugilidae which numerically dominate juvenile nursery areas in Algoa Bay were not abundant in the nearshore ichthyoplankton. The various taxa occurring in the ichthyoplankton are discussed in terms of distribution of adults and juveniles, breeding biology and available information on early life history. The paucity of larvae of coastal species with pelagic eggs is highlighted and, with reference to the findings of other workers and local oceanographic conditions, a possible spawning strategy is suggested.