The invertebrate benthos of South Lake, St Lucia was monitored monthly from August 1981 to July 1982 following a period of stable salinities of approximately 35°/oo. The overall mean biomass for the year (dry mass) was 2,63 g m-2 with mean values for muddy and sandy substrata of 4,19 g m-2 and 1,07 g m-2respectively. The major contributors to standing stock were the bivalve Solen cylindraceus and the polychaete Marphysa macintoshi. A total of 37 taxa were recorded compared with 23 in a previous survey in 1972-73. Present results are compared with those of 1972-73 and the differences discussed. The main changes were a decline in Assiminea, Nassarius and Prionospio and an increase in abundance of long-lived bivalves together with larger polychaetes. Species diversity at the sampling sites is analysed and discussed in terms of equitability of distribution.