Burchell's redfin, Barbus burchelli is endemic to the Breede River and adjacent smaller river systems in the Cape Province. Negative human influences have led to a drastic decline in numbers of this medium-sized minnow, especially agricultural demand on the water resource and the introduction of exotic predatory fish. The breeding season is extended, from September to February, with a peak in December. The absolute fecundity of a 123 mm FL specimen was 10 678, which includes both mature and recruitment ova. Females grow larger (123 mm FL), and live longer (6 +years), than males (113 mm FL and 4 + years). B. burchelli grow rapidly in their first year attaining a length of between 40 and 50 mm FL. Pronounced conical tubercles of sexually mature males erupt in spring, begin to show signs of wear in November and by March are worn or sloughed off. The survival of this species is dependent upon proper management of the Breede River system.