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Aspects of the ecology of meiofauna in Mngazana estuary, Transkei

A.H. Dye


The intertidal distribution and abundance of sand and mud-flat meiofauna at the mouth and the middle reaches of Mngazana estuary were monitored over a period of 15 months from April 1977 to July 1978 and the data compared with those from other South African estuaries. The meiofauna exhibited an early winter maximum with numbers ranging ranging from 2,74 x 106 to 7,27 x 106m-2 in sand and from 2,59 x 105 to 4,15 x 105m-2 in mud, both to a depth of 20 cm. The fluctuations correlated with variations in Eh and temperature. Annual production in the upper 20 cm is estimated at 8,0 gCm-2h-1 and 0,6 gCm-2y-1 in sand and mud respectively.

Die intergety-verspreiding en die rykdom aan sand- en moddermeiofauna by die mond en middelstreke van die Mngazana estuarium is gemonitor oor 'n periode van 15 maande vanaf April 1977 tot Julie 1978 en die gegewens is vergelyk met die van ander Suid-Afrikaanse estua- rienes. Die meiofauna vertoon 'n vroee winter-maksimum met getalle wat wissel van 2,74 × 106 to 7,27 × 106m-2 in die sand en 2,59 × 105 tot 4,15 × 105 tot 4,15 x 105m-2 in die modder, albei tot 'n diepte van 20 cm. Hierdie wisseling korreleer met veranderings in Eh en tempera- tuur. Die jaarlikse produksie in die boonste 20 cm word beraam op 8,0 gCm-2y-1 onderskeidelik in die sand en modder.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2224-073X
print ISSN: 1562-7020