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Growth and production of Bullia rhodostoma on an open sandy beach in Algoa Bay

A. McLachlan
C. Cooper
G. van der Horst


The plough shell, Bullia rhodostoma (Mollusca: Gastropoda), has been studied on an open sandy beach where it is a common scavenger. Samples taken over a year indicate hatching of young individuals from December to February. They reach a length of about 10 mm after 1 year and 40 mm after 10 years. The von Bertalanffy growth equation is Lt = 47 (1 - e-0,19(t+0,23)) and the annual mortality rate is 0,79. Mean decalcified dry biomass is 209 mg m-2 and production by growth 189 mg m-2 y-1 giving a P/B of 0,9. Most production by adults (>15 mm shell length) goes into reproduction, particularly In the females which grow larger than the males. Production by reproduction is estimated to be about 135 mg m-2 y-1. Average calorific values are 19,04 kJ g-1 dry tissue

Die ploegskulp, Bullia rhodostoma (Mollusca: Gastropoda), is op 'n oop sandstrand bestudeer waar dit 'n algemeen teenwoordige aasvreter is. Monsters wat oor 'n jaar geneem is, dui aan dat die jong individue tussen Desember en Februarie uitbroei. Hulle bereik 'n lengte van ongeveer 10 mm na 1 jaar en 40 mm na 10 jaar. Die Von Bertalanffy groeivergelyking is Lt = 47 (1 - e-0,19(t+0,23))) en die jaarlikse mortaliteitstempo is 0,79. Gemiddelde kalklose drofi biomassa is 209 mg m-2 y-1 wat 'n P/B van 0,9 gee. Die meeste volwasse (>15 mm skulplengte) produksie is in die vorm van voortplanting, veral in die wyfies wat groter as die mannetjies word. Produksie deur voortplanting is omtrent 135 mg m-2 y-1 Gemiddelde kaloriewaardes is 19,04 kJ g-1 droe weefsel.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2224-073X
print ISSN: 1562-7020