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Foetal growth curves and seasonal breeding in the Natal clinging bat Miniopterus schreibersi natalensis

M. van der Merwe


Growth of the foetus of Miniopterus schreibersi natalensis is described. The gestation period in this subspecies is 240 days of which 120 days is the period of delayed implantation. Birth mass is taken as 2,7 g from measurements of near-term foetuses. Foetal growth follows a typical J-shaped curve during the last half of the gestation period. Young of M. s. natalensis are proportionately lighter at birth than many other mammals.

Fetale groei in Miniopterus schreibersi natalensis word beskryf. Die dragtigheidsperiode in hierdie subspesies is 240 dae, waarvan 120 dae 'n periode van vertraagde implantering is. Geboortemassa is 2,7 g en is bereken uit gegewens verkry van fetusse net voor geboorte. Fetale groei volg 'n tipies J-vormige kurwe gedurende die laaste helfte van die dragtigheidsperiode. Die kleintjies van M. s. natalensis is proporsloneel llgter by geboorte as baie ander soogdiere.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2224-073X
print ISSN: 1562-7020