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Importance of termites in the diet of the aardwolf Proteles cristatus in South Africa

R.L. Cooper
J.D. Skinner


Analysis of 81 faecal samples collected from seven different localities in South Africa revealed that termites are the most important food item in the diet of the aardwolf. Trinervitermes was found to be the most important genus of termite in the faeces from six of the seven localities, whilst other genera of termites, ants, other insects and millipedes mostly occurred as traces in the faeces. No vertebrate remains or traces of carrion were found.

Analise van 81 mismonsters uitsewe verskillende omgewings in Suid-Afrika versamel het getoon dat termiete die belangrikste kositem in die die荤t van die aardwolf is. Trinervitermes is die belangrikste termietgenus in die mismonsters uit ses van die sewe omgewings, terwyl slegs spore van ander termietgenera, miere, ander insekte en duisendpote in die mis waargeneem is. Geen werweldier- oorblyfsels of aas is gevind nie.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2224-073X
print ISSN: 1562-7020