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Activity Patterns of Chacma Baboons (Papio Ursinus) at Cape Point

Christine Davidge


Field data were analysed to assess daily and seasonal activity patterns of a troop of 85 free-ranging chacma baboons. The baboons emerged from their night-time shelters at sleeping cliffs at roughly 07h00 throughout the year. Foraging began almost immediately after emergence in the dry summer months (December-February). During the remainder of the year, the baboons rested near the sleeping cliff before foraging. Feeding was the predominant activity from 10h00 to 15h00 throughout the year. The daily time spent feeding by the troop was greatest during August to January. Seasonal changes in the daily time spent foraging appeared to be related to the availability and nutritive value of food.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2224-073X
print ISSN: 1562-7020