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Proximate Composition and Sensory Properties of Complementary Food from Sprouted (Sorghum & Soybean) and Carrot Flour
Objectives: Complementary food consisting of sprouted sorghum, sprouted soybean and carrots was formulated at blend ratio of Sample A (70%:20%:10%), sample B (60%:30%:10%), Sample C (55%:30%:15%), Sample D (100%) & Sample E (Cerelac). Methods: Proximate composition and sensory evaluation were determined. Results: Sensory analysis showed that there was significant difference (P<0.05) among samples in colour, texture, taste, consistency, flavor and overall acceptability result shows that Sample B was more acceptable to the panelists. Proximate analysis revealed that moisture content ranged from 1.00 – 3.0%, protein content ranged from 10.48-15.50%, fat content ranged from 3.45-10%, and ash content ranged from 1-3%, fiber content ranged from 2.00-7.09%, carbohydrate content ranged from 55.16 – 66.82% and energy content ranged from 344.28 – 410.02kcals. Conclusion: This formulated complementary food has an increased nutrient absorption, protein availability found in grains which are attributed to the sprouting process. Thus, study reveal that the formulated complementary food could serve of another food source for infant and children, adult breakfast cereal, also use to fight malnutrition and reduce risk of vitamin A deficiency disorder