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A survey of deployment of renewable energy systems with emphasis on biomass energy for local slaughterhouses

O.V. Olisa
T.O Ajewole


Energy is needed for agricultural activities, water supply, lighting, healthcare, education, business and communication among others. Unfortunately, this is not constantly available from the national grid. The inability to access a reliable energy supply has forced a large number of people, businesses and corporate organizations to supplement their energy needs using generators that depends on diesel or petrol as a fossil fuel. However, the cost of purchasing diesel and petrol has been exorbitantly higher in recent times, in addition to the danger associated with emission of gases from its combustion. Against this background, this research focuses on reviewing the deployment of renewable energy resources (RES) with an emphasis on biomass energy for local slaughterhouses. Relevant articles were downloaded from reputable outlets and carefully sorted based on the objective of this paper. The reviewed articles presented viable techniques for energy production from slaughterhouse waste, challenges, prospects and future road-map for energy generation from slaughterhouse waste. The outcome of this research revealed that a good number of pilot projects are known to fail within a short period after implementation and the sustainability of energy generation from direct waste such as animal dung and extract waste from cows after slaughtering. It is also noted that biomass which is vastly available in sub-Sahara Africa has been scantly deployed in the hybrid energy system. The review is a guide and eye opener to the direct use of biomass waste resources for direct applications for combating energy poverty in many sub-Saharan African countries.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2736-0067
print ISSN: 2736-0059