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Arduino-Based Motion Light Controller for Energy Consumption Optimization

1Fatokun Johnson O
Orishadipe Precious O
Fatokun Faith B
Babalola Asegunloluwa,
Akinyemi Faith T
Ajamu Joel Olarinde


The rise in electricity usage globally is of major concern. Specifically, Nigeria’s electricity demand overrides the country’s rapid population growth. Unfortunately, and despite the ad-vancement of technology with regards to electricity in other developed and developing na-tions, electricity remains one of the most wasted and mismanaged resource in Nigeria. Con-temporarily, the reliance on technology is tailored towards getting things done in a faster and more convenient manner. The frightening rate at which electricity is consumed necessitates the development of efficient ways to address this issue. Thus, in response to the pressing challenge, this paper aimed at building and implementing an automated lighting control sys-tem based on a microcontroller. The Arduino UNO board is the most significant component of this study; it holds the code created in the Arduino IDE, which controls the activities of the other modules linked to it. The board was connected to a Passive Infrared (PIR) sensor and a relay module. This sensor detects heat waves emitted by humans, while the relay module allows the Arduino to control large electrical loads. In conclusion, this technique will help to extend the life of light bulbs, thereby saving money, lowering monthly electricity bills, and lowering overall electricity use.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2736-0067
print ISSN: 2736-0059