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Analyzing Specific Attenuation for Free Space Optical Communication Across Nigerian Regions

Emmanuel I
Adedayo K.D
Ikuemuya E.O


This study investigates specific attenuation variation across Nigeria's geo-climatic regions at 780 nm, 850 nm, and 1550 nm wavelengths, using ten years of daily weather data. The analysis reveal an exponential attenuation decrease with increased visibility. In coastal areas, Lagos peaks at 60 dB/km at 0.4 km visibility, while Calabar reaches 7 dB/km at lower wavelengths, dropping to 4.8 dB/km at 1550 nm. In the Tropical Rainforest, Ibadan mirrors Lagos trends. Guinea Savannah sees 5 dB/km to 36 dB/km attenuation, with higher values in Zaria and Jos. Sahel-Sudan Savannah shows 12 dB/ km to 30 dB/km, with faster attenuation at 1550 nm. Spatially, Maiduguri and Jos suffer most during fog, while Gombe fares worst during haze. Furthermore, clear conditions exhibit low attenuation. Higher wavelengths, particularly 1550 nm, show less attenuation, suggesting their suitability for optical communication in diverse Nigerian climates.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2736-0067
print ISSN: 2736-0059