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Factors Influencing Drug Compliance Among Hypertensive Outpatients in Selected State Hospitals in Lagos, Nigeria

Dorcas Ibidunni Owolabi
Rasheed.A. Salawu


The research aimed to determine the level of drug compliance, factors responsible for drug compliance, healthcare provider enabling factors toward drug compliance, and healthcare institutional-based environmental factors influencing drug compliance among hypertensive patients attending cardiac outpatient clinics in Lagos State, Nigeria. The study applied socio-ecological theory. Respondents were patients with hypertension in cardiac outpatient clinics of selected three secondary hospitals. Three hundred and forty (340) respondents were selected from January- March 2023 to participate in the study. A validated questionnaire with Cronbach’s alpha coefficients and was self-administered. Pearson’s correlation was used to compare the relationship between the variables such as patient-related factors (age, income,) healthcare provider factors (effective communication), institutional-based factors (long waiting time) and drug compliance. Data analysis was done at p<0.05. Result show Mean age of 56.6 years, moderate level of drug compliance was observed. There was a positive significant relationship between patient-related factors and drug compliance (r=.025 p< 0.05), negative significant relationship between healthcare provider factors and drug compliance (r= -0.032, p>0.05), and between healthcare institutional-based factors and drug compliance (r=0.006, p>0.05). Forgetfulness 211(62.2%), use of herbal medicine 181(53.2%), lack of funds 214(62.2%), were some of the patient related factors for sub-optimal compliance. Respondents had moderate level of drug compliance which was majorly due to patient-related factors such as forgetfulness, lack of funds, and use of herbal medicine.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2736-0067
print ISSN: 2736-0059