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Estimating Aquifer Potential and Protective Capacity Using Dar-Zarrouk Parameters and Geo-Electrical Techniques: A Case Study of the University of Ilorin Permanent Site, South-Western Nigeria

Oluwaseun Victoria Fatoye
Daniel Opemipo Obasaju
Samuel Abiodun Adebayo
John Adebisi Olatunji
Johnson Kayode Ayeni
Toba Abraham Babatunde
Jeremiah Olaoluwa Ibiwoye


Background: Quality of water plays a vital role in the existence of human lives and the understanding of aquifer parameters is essential for effective groundwater management. Objectives: The purpose of this research is to analyze the groundwater potential and the vulnerability of the aquifers to pollution at the University of Ilorin, Nigeria community. Methods: Dar-Zarrouk mathematical parameter was used in this study to calculate the aquifer formation's transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity, and protective capacity and represented in a spatial map. Results: 90% of the formations of the subsurface material have high to intermediate degrees of fracturing, according to the analysis and interpretation of the hydrogeological media. The hydraulic conductivity (0.2 – 21.4 m/day) and transmissivity (5.4 – 152.2 m 2 /day) values indicate that most of the aquifers are of intermediate to high groundwater potentials. The spatial distribution map of reflection coefficient shows very low to high reflection coefficients indicating high to low groundwater potential across the study area. The Coefficient of anisotropy ranged from 0.9 – 3.3 suggesting high to low permeability aquifers. The aquifer formations are made up of weak to intermediate aquifer protective capacity. The calculated porosity values of the aquifer range from 1.79 % to 60.8 % showing negligible (VES 1 and 6) to good porosity quality (VES 5 and 10) of the inferred rock types from the calculated porosity. Thick overburden, weak to moderate aquifer protective capacity, and relatively high hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity make up the aquifer formations. Conclusion: In conclusion, the study indicates promising groundwater occurrences, offering potential benefits for the University of Ilorin community. However, concerns arise regarding areas with weak aquifer protective capacity, suggesting vulnerability to pollutant infiltration. This research identified areas of possible groundwater viability and weak protective aquifer zones.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2736-0067
print ISSN: 2736-0059