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Pathological and Radiological Correlation of Diseases in Contemporary Medical Practice

Abdulmumini Hassan Rafindadi


In modern times clinical care of patients relies heavily on the specialties of radiology and pathology for diagnosis. The two specialties have always existed independently in medical institutions, with some level of cooperation when there is the need to correlate the findings in specific patients; in recent times, particularly in breast cancer screening and diagnosis, bone pathology and image-guided biopsy. Pathology and radiology have had different historical and developmental experiences, but both have seen an explosion of knowledge, and technological, and scientific developments in recent times. Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902) is considered as the father of modern pathology, while Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen is the discoverer of electromagnetic radiation the basis of X-ray. The field of histopathology has made tremendous progress, particularly in the area of immunohistochemistry and the application of molecular techniques, which are useful in the diagnosis and follow up of cancer patients. These form an important basis of personalised medicine. Modern radiology relies on mammography, ultrasound, computerised tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, nuclear medicine and interventional radiology. Pathology and radiology form the core of cancer diagnosis in clinical practice. Specific areas of cooperation between the two fields include fine needle aspiration cytology, breast cancer control programme, sentinel lymph node localization, cases of adenocarcinoma of the lung with specific signatures, and interstitial lung disease. Finally, standardization of reports will ensure use of controlled terminology and reporting structures. There is need to commence radiologic pathologic correlation courses for residents in the country as is practiced in the North America in order to partly meet this challenge.


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2635-3938
print ISSN: 2251-0060