Analgesic Nephropathy (AN) is reported to be a unique and most common form of drug induced chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis (CTIN). It results from habitual consumption of analgesic preparations, over several years, usually a combination of preparations containing at least two antipyretic agents such as Phenacetin and Aspirin; phenacetin and codeine or caffeine. In countries with highest consumption rates such as Australia and Sweden, AN was responsible for 20% of End Stage renal disease. In Nigeria, there is unregulated access to drugs procured over the counter, and this has caused reported cases of Analgesic Nephropathy. The presentation could be asymptomatic or most times present chronically with progressive renal decline. The treatment best option, is abrupt cessation of the offending drugs.
Keywords: Analgesic Nephropathy, Manifestations, Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Nephropathy, Treatment options