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Somaliland: The Journey of Resistance, Reconciliation and Peace
Somaliland, and the incumbent southern regime of General Mohammed
Siad Barre, between 1984 and the collapse of that regime in 1991, and also revisits the Hargeisa, Somaliland, genocide of 1988. The year 1991 marked the move toward nation-statehood formation and the unilateral declaration of independence, interacting with the following interrelated socio-political dynamics: the reconciliation of Somaliland clans involving indigenous reconciliation initiatives of integrating tradition and modernity; interactions between the majority Isaaq clan and the minority clans; followed by the 1991–93 politics of transition; post-conflict stabilisation involving national reconciliation conferences and elections.
“Hadduu oday jiro, uu u ood rogo, abaaroodkana way orgootaa”.
If there is an elder who looks after the herd, then animals will produce
offspring even in the dry season (Somali proverb)