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Application of Negative Binomial Regression for Assessing Public Awareness of the Health Effects of Nicotine and Cigarettes
number of anti-smoking messages which appeared as warning messages on cigarette advertisements. The number of anti-smoking messages recalled ranged from 0 to 9 with a mean of 3.09 (variance of 5.99) and a median of 3.00. Because the variance was nearly two times greater than the mean, the negative binomial regression model provided an improved fit to the data and accounted better for overdispersion than the Poisson regression model, which assumed that the mean and variance are the same. The level of education and race were found
to be the most significant factors. Moreover, the lower socio-economic class nonsmokers’ anti-smoking messages recalling rate was 2.5 times that of the lower socio-economic class smokers. Unlike men, women’s anti-smoking message response rate increased with income.