Peer Review

Processes in the "Annales des Sciences Agronomiques" journal's peer-review system: * A request for publication in Annales des Sciences Agronomiques du Bénin is addressed to the Director of Publication with 4 copies of the manuscript; * The Director of Publication identifies 3 or 4 referees according to the importance of the theme developed in the manuscript; * The secretary notifies to each referee how he is identified to evaluate the concerned manuscript by sending a copy followed by a reading card for comments about form and bottom (to be kept with the secretary) and a card for the text comments (to be transmitted to the authors). A three months deadline is given to the referees. * Remarks from referees are returned to the authors for correction. * The revised copy (paper version and file) is returned to the secretary with the referees remarks. * The secretary checks if all the required remarks were taken into account by authors. * Remarks from three referees at least must be integrated before the secretary does present the model of the six articles to be published per a volume to the Director of Publication for its comments and correction. * Whether the Director of Publication still indicates serious corrections concerning the bottom, the authors are joined again to integrate the latest remarks; this manuscript is rejected to be published in the next number. * After the publication, an email is sent to the authors to notify the volume and the number of publication of their manuscript.

Publication Scheduling

2 issues published every year

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1659-5009