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The effect of manganese on early growth of fluted pumpkin (telfairia occidentalis hook f) in an ultisol
design (RCBD) was used in the field trial. Results indicated that there were no pronounced variations in the soil chemical components after the trial except for the Mn component the of soil which however increased with increasing levels of Mn treatment. The N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Na, Zn, Cu
contents of the plant increased with increasing levels of Mn treatments in both trials. The N content of the plant in the field trial was however, not consistent with increasing levels of Mn treatment. The Fe content of the plant consistently declined in both trials with increasing levels of Mn application indicating antagonistic influence of Mn on Fe uptake. The Mn content and uptake by the plant in the trials increased consistently with increasing levels of Mn treatment. The Mn content and uptake
by the plant in the control treatment was however low. Synergistic influence of Mn on Cu and Zn uptake by the plant was recorded while the Mn had no effect on the uptake of N, P, K, Ca and Na. The Mn treatments significantly increased the growth parameters and shoot dry matter yield up to 50
mgMn per 5 kg soil and 20 kgMnha-1 and declined at various Mn treatment levels indicating the levels of accommodation of Mn by the plant. Correlation coefficient (r) between soil pH, organic
matter, available P, Fe and Mn uptake by the plant indicated non-significant negative correlation (P> 0.05).