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Evaluation Of The National Livestock Small Holder Loans Scheme Among Farmers In Enugu North Agricultural Zone Of Enugu State
farmers) through the use of structured interview schedule. Frequency distribution, percentage, mean and t-test statistics are used in the analysis of the data. The findings revealed that bureaucratic processes within the agency (95.0%) and inability of the loan beneficiaries to meet all the
requirements within a stipulated time (82.5%) were the perceived primary factors by the project participant farmers to have militated against effective loan disbursement by the agency. There was significant difference (t = 15.2, P ≤0.05) between the mean amount of loan applied for and the
actual amount of loan disbursed. Effective loan repayment by the beneficiaries was greatly affected by factors such as death of livestock ( X = 3.0), untimely disbursement of loans ( X = 3.0) and the small volume of the loans ( X = 3.0). There was a significant difference (t = 17.02, P ≤0.05) between the mean annual income generated from farming activities before and after participating in the scheme by the participant farmers. It was recommended that the federal government should make enough money available to the banks to enable them meet up with their targets in terms of granting adequate loans to the rural farmers. This will surely improve agricultural production as well as enhancing rural development in the state.