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Fertility Assessment Of Some Inland Depression And Floodplain (Wetland) Soils In Akwa Ibom State
locations, Ikot Obio Inyang (Ikg), Ikot Idio (Ikd) and Ibiaku Ikot Obong (Bku), were used for the inland depression while Ibiaku Uruan (Ibk), Usuk Inyang Idoro (Usg) and Iwok (Iwk) were used for the floodplain soils. One profile pit was dug in each location making a total of six profile pits. Soil samples were collected according to their genetic horizons for laboratory analysis. Fertility Capability Classifica tion (FCC) system was used to assess the soil quality. The results indicated that gleying (g), low potassium reserve (k) and acidic reaction (h) were the general constraints of these soils. Also, Ikg and Ikd of inland depression soils had sandy (S) top soils while Bku had loamy top (L) soils but the three sub soils were loamy (L). All the floodplain soils had sandy (S) soils at both top and subsoils. For effective management of these soils, application of organic manure (including cattle manure) would supply the basic cations including K, as well as reduce soil acidity.