Twenty-three cultivars of soybean (Glycine max (L.)) consisting of five early maturing, nine each of medium and late maturing types were rated in replicated trials in the field to the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne javanica. All early maturing type, 49-9, Type Green, Kongo Yellow, AGS 66 and Roanoke were highly resistant to the nematode. Three medium maturing types highly resistant were TGX 536-02D, TGX 539-5E and TGX 297-10F. Seven late maturing type found highly resistant were M312, TGX 306-036C, TGX 814-45E, TGX 814-36E, TGX 855-6ID, Malayan and TGX 814-27D. Sixteen cultivars were rated good to excellent nodulators with rhizobium bacteria, of which only one, 49-9 was of the early maturing type; Samsoy 1, TGX 536-02D, TGX 297-10F and TGX 814-54D were of the medium maturing type; the seven late maturing type were M312, TGX 293-63E, TGX 814-45E, TGX 814-36E, TGX 855-61D, Malayan and TGX 814-27D.
Agro-Science Vol.2(1) 2001: 63-66