The food composition and dietary habit of Labeo senegalensis at Idah area of river Niger was carried out between January and February, 2010. 155 samples were obtained from artisanal fishermen and brought to biological sciences laboratory for analysis. Fish samples were dissected and the stomach contents emptied into Petridishes containing 10% saline solution and observed under a dissecting microscope. The food items were counted and the stomachs were scored according to its fullness. The result shows that the fish feed mainly on mud (4.31%), sand particles (6.00%), plant materials (80.65%), fish remains (5.81%), insect parts (2.58%) and small gravel (0.65%) respectively. L. senegalensis in Idah area of River Niger is a herbivorous detrivore feeding more on plant materials.
Keywords: Food items, Feeding habits, Stomach contents, Herbivorous detrivore
Animal Research International (2012) 9(1): 1502 – 1505