Camels and cattle grazed in the native pasture of the Sahel savanna and presented for slaughter at the Maiduguri Municipal Abattoir were used to evaluate differences in forage selection, rumen content characteristics and forage organic matter digestibility. After evisceration, rumen contents were obtained and separated into solid digesta and twigs. The rumen fluid was examined for colour, pH and specific gravity. The faecal index method was used to determine the organic matter digestibility of the herbage eaten. Theinvestigation showed that the camel rumen content was twiggy and greenish in colour,while that of cattle was mushy and brownish in colour. Camel rumen solid digesta contained leaves and twigs in contrast to cattle digesta which had grass remnants. Meanrumen pH values were 6.98 ± 0.03 and 7.14 ± 0.04 for camel and cattle respectively. Mean specific gravity values were 1.016 ± 0.005 and 1.005 ± 0.001 for camel and cattle respectively. Forage organic matter digestibility was significantly higher in camels than in cattle (P < 0.05).