A study on insect fauna in a fallow plot at Ifite-Ogwari was carried out in rainy season between April and June 2018 using the sweep net. On each sampling occasion thirty sweeps were made across the vegetation of the 39920 m2 plot to monitor the insects on the foliage. A total of 63 insect species and their larvae comprising 12 families and 16 species were recorded during the sampling period. There was a preponderance of Camponotus acvapimensis followed by Pheidole sp., Orthetrum icteromelas, Attractomorpha acutipennis,Heteropternis thoracica and Sphenoptera sp., with the singletons including Phaneropterat nana, Cardiochiles and . There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the environmental factors between the three months. The relationships between sweep net catches were not significant (p>0.05). Pheidole and species of Odonata served as faunal indicators. Factors that influence the sweep net catches included types of the plant species in the habitat, anthropogenic activities, management practices, locomotor activities and reproductive cycles of insect species. Other factors affecting sweep net catches were also discussed.
Keywords: Insect population, Ifite-Ogwari, Arable land, Singletons, Sweep net