This study reports the effect of untreated refinery effluents on female albino rats ameliorated with Shea oil. The experimental set-up included three treatment groups(effluent only, effluent abated with Shea oil and the control) of adult albino rats 6 – 7 weeks old. Rats were acclimatized for a period of 2 weeks before been orally administered 2 ml of untreated refinery effluent by oral gavage and were sacrificed at 3, 6 and 9 weeks interval. After 9 week, rats were left for 21 days post-exposure to recuperate. Body, organ weight and morphology, heavy metal concentration in ovaries and histopathology of ovaries were estimated across the groups. There was significant increase (p>0.05) in body and organ weight of treated rats compared to control. Organ morphology of treated rats varied from control but was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Lead and chromium concentrations in ovaries were high in concentration in rats treated with effluent only. Histopathology of ovaries showed evidence of pathological changes in rats treated with effluent when compared with control and Shea oil ameliorated group. Rats ameliorated with Shea oil showed early return to normal histological architecture in their ovaries. Shea oil was effective in ameliorating the effects of untreated refinery effluent toxicity on the ovary of intoxicated female albino rats.
Keywords: Shea oil, Abatement, Refinery effluents, Chromium, Lead, Toxicity, Ovary, Rats