African Review of Economics and Finance considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that they have been submitted only to African Review of Economics and Finance, that they have not been published already, nor are they under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere. Authors who fail to adhere to this condition will be charged with all costs which African Review of Economics and Finance incurs and their papers will not be published.

Contributions to African Review of Economics and Finance must report original research and will be subjected to pre-screening and subsequent review by referees at the discretion of the editors.

Please note that African Review of Economics and Finance uses Turnitin software to screen papers for unoriginal material. By submitting your paper to African Review of Economics and Finance you are agreeing to any necessary originality checks your paper may have to undergo during the peer review and production processes. 

Papers for consideration should be sent to the editors directly

Prof Franklin Obeng-Odoom, Email:

And Dr. Jones Odei Mensah, Email:

File format would preferably be Microsoft Word. Papers will be anonymously refereed by acknowledged experts in the subject. Authors should submit an anonymized version of the paper and a title page containing full contact and affiliation information for all authors. All publication decisions are made by editors in the context of recommendations from referees.

Effective communication
The paper should be written and arranged in a style that is succinct and easily followed. An informative but short title, a concise abstract with keywords, and a well-written introduction will help to achieve this.

Simple language, short sentences and a good use of headings all help to communicate information more effectively. Discursive treatment of the subject matter is discouraged. Figures may be used to aid the clarity of the paper but only where this is more concise than verbal description. The reader should be carefully guided through the paper. Always think about your reader.

Manuscript submission guidelines

1. Originality and high standards of reporting results, data, and description of computer programmes is the standard hallmark. The information obtained by the author(s) must be sufficient for interested readers to be able to reproduce the results.

2. All articles are published in English. The first page of the typescript must contain: the full title; the affiliation and full address of all authors; a running title of not more than 75 letters and spaces. An abstract and up to five keywords for the purposes of indexing should be included, preferably chosen from the JEL Classification list.  The abstract must not exceed 200 words and must précis the paper giving a clear indication of the conclusions it contains.

3. Manuscripts should not exceed 8000 words with line spacing of 1.5”, including tables, graphs, figures, and references. Longer, more discursive papers are welcomed, where the topic and approach warrants a longer paper. To be clear about the distinction, these are referred to as Extended Papers. These papers will be expected to deal with real theoretical contributions, and draw on a wider literature than the usual papers

4. Tables, graphs, and figures should appear in the text and labelled in numerical order with Roman numerals. Tables, graphs and figures should contain sufficient explanation to allow them to be interpreted without reference to the main body of the text, including where relevant details of estimating equations on which empirical results are based. All lines should be clear. Avoid tedious mathematical expressions. Place derivatives and proofs in an appendix.

5. All illustrations should be suitable for printing in black and white, and should be numbered sequentially. Notes should make a specific point, and to be short and succinct.

6. Place references in an unnumbered, alphabetical order at the end of the text. References should be made only if they are cited in the text; and to works that are published, accepted for publication, or available through libraries or institutions.

7. Cite references in the text by citing the authors’ names and the year of publication in parentheses e.g. Panagiotidis (2010), Panagiotidis et al (2010).

Examples of Reference list at the end of text are as follows:


Alagidede P., and Panagiotidis, T. (2009). Calendar Anomalies in the Ghana Stock Exchange. Journal of Emerging Market Finance vol. 8, no1, pp. 1–23.

Ntim, C. (2015). Board diversity and organizational valuation: unravelling the effects of ethnicity and gender. Journal of Management and Governance vol. 19, no 1, pp. 167-195.


Obeng-Odoom F. (2014). Oiling the Urban Economy: Land, Labour, Capital, and the State in Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana. Routledge, London.

Hawawini G, Swary I. (1990). Mergers and acquisitions in the U.S. banking industry: Evidence from the capital markets. North-Holland, Amsterdam.

• Reference to chapter in an edited book: -Brunner, K., Melzer, A.H. (1990). Money Supply. In: Friedman BM, Hahn FH (Eds), Handbook of monetary economics, vol.1. North-Holland:Amsterdam; pp. 357-396.

• Citing and listing of Web references: The full URL should be given. Any further information, if known (Author names, dates, reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be given. Web references can be listed separately (e.g., after the reference list) under a different heading if desired, or can be included in the reference list.

Endnotes-A limited number of explanatory endnotes is permissible. These should be numbered 1, 2, 3, consecutively in the text and denoted by superscripts. They should be typed on separate pages at the end of the text.

Manuscripts - short papers or notes. Short papers or notes should be as short as possible, and should not be longer than 2000 words. The specifications from the previous section apply in all respects. Short papers or notes may offer comments on other papers published by this Journal, as well as offer original contributions.

Letters to the Editor-Letters are intended to be short unrefereed contributions dealing with, for example, an opinion on some aspect of research or current thinking, a debate carried out in the pages of the journal, recent discussions on e-mail networks and obituaries. Not all contributions will be published as space is limited and valuable. The ultimate decision about publication will be the Editor's. Depending on other items in the issue, no more than four pages per issue will be devoted to these letters. Letters should begin with the text "Dear Sir" and the author's name, affiliation and country should appear at the end.

Proofs-Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for correction. The difficulty and expense involved in making amendments at proof stage makes it essential for authors to prepare their manuscript carefully: any alterations to the original text are strongly discouraged. Our aim is rapid publication: this will be helped if authors provide good copy following the above instructions, and return their proofs as quickly as possible.

Publication charges-African Review of Economics and Finance does not charge submission fees. There are no page charges for African Review of Economics and Finance.

Article access-As an author, you will receive free access to your article from the publisher. Print copies of the volume in which your article appeared can be obtained at a cost from the publishers.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2042-1478
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