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Employee motivation and quality of performance in University Libraries

Houaria Boudjemai


This study analyzes the problem of employee motivation and the quality of performance in university libraries. Human resources are an important and effective element in any organization, and they must be motivated, both financially and otherwise, in order to enable good and effective performance that will help the organization achieve its goals. To answer the research question, we used a descriptive approach in the theoretical part and an analytical approach in the practical part. We distributed a questionnaire to a sample of individuals from the Central Library of the University of Oran 1. The results of the study showed that motivational activity structures the performance of employee. Despite the deficiencies and the lack of a suitable work environment, the workers, with little motivation available, continue to perform the tasks assigned to them. An organization that aims for quality performance must improve the level of motivation.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2773-3807
print ISSN: 2716-9421