African Quarterly Social Science Review 2024-06-28T14:49:27+00:00 Mutisya Nzioka Open Journal Systems <p>The African Quarterly Social Science Review (AQSSR) stands tall as a distinguished peer-reviewed journal, seamlessly blending intellectual exploration with an unwavering commitment to excellence. As a beacon guiding scholars, students, and educators, AQSSR offers a vibrant platform for peer-reviewed research articles and empirically driven works in the realm of social sciences. Embracing diversity in thought and methodological rigor, AQSSR fosters an environment where scholarly inquiry thrives. With a dedication to advancing knowledge and understanding, articles are welcomed on a rolling basis, ensuring a dynamic exchange of ideas and insights. By upholding the highest standards of scholarship, AQSSR continues to be a trusted resource for academics and practitioners alike, shaping discourse and driving progress in the field of social sciences across Africa and beyond.<br /><br /><strong>Aims and Scope</strong><br />Our aim is to cultivate a dynamic environment that not only provides access to the latest literature and innovations in the social sciences but also fosters the exchange of ideas and expertise in Africa and beyond.<br /><br />You can view this journal's own website <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.</p> Book Review: "Research Methods for Business Students" (Eighth Edition) by Mark N. K. Saunders, Philip Lewis, and Adrian Thornhill (Pearson Education, 2019) 2024-06-28T14:24:08+00:00 Huqa Arbale David Nzioka Mutisya <p>Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis, and Adrian Thornhill's book "Research Methods for Business Students" provides a comprehensive guide for students and researchers involved in business and management research. It offers a pragmatic approach, clear explanations, and a wide array of research methods suitable for both novice and seasoned researchers. The book extensively discusses various research methodologies, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods, providing detailed descriptions to help readers choose the most appropriate approach for their research objectives. The book delves deeply into specific research approaches like experiments, surveys, case studies, and ethnography, helping readers comprehend their utility and implications.</p> <p>A notable strength of the book lies in its emphasis on ethical considerations throughout the research process. The authors address ethical issues related to access negotiation, consent acquisition, and data management, preparing readers to navigate ethical challenges in modern research environments effectively. Furthermore, the book offers practical insights into data collection and analysis techniques, with chapters dedicated to sampling, secondary source utilization, observations, interviewing, questionnaire design, and data analysis, all explained step by step with clear illustrations. The book engages readers through theoretical frameworks, conceptual discussions, and real-world examples, enhancing their understanding of key research concepts like validity, reliability, and generalizability. By integrating case studies and detailed examples from various organizational contexts, the book illustrates how research methods are applied in practice. The authors' ability to convey complex subjects in an accessible manner ensures that readers from diverse backgrounds can grasp the material effectively. The practicality and relevance of "Research Methods for Business Students" to the business context set it apart, as it presents real-world examples and case studies from various industries. It emphasizes the importance of keeping abreast of the latest developments in research methodologies, ensuring the content remains useful and current for students and scholars. In conclusion, "Research Methods for Business Students" is an invaluable resource for individuals embarking on business and management research. Despite minor limitations, the book equips readers with essential knowledge and skills, fostering responsible and effective research practices within the business domain. Through its practical approach, comprehensive coverage, and engaging style, the book empowers readers to conduct high-quality research and make meaningful contributions to the field of business studies.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Huqa Arbale, David Nzioka Mutisya Navigating conflict and health in Bawku, Ghana: Implications for resolution and management 2024-06-28T14:49:27+00:00 Daniel Dramani Kipo-Sunyehzi David Suaka Yaro Gregory Titigah <p>Knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of farmers in post-harvest management (PHM) are essential for reducing food waste. However, their enhancement also depends on the training programs. Previous studies on the linkage between training programs and farmers’ KAP have been conducted with less emphasis on hermetic storage technology (HST) for PHM. This study aimed to assess the effect of training on KAP and, hence, the adoption of HSTs among smallholder farmers. The underlying theory of change of the study assumes that awareness and access to post-harvest technologies have effects on adoption rates, hence improving food security and income. A quasi-experimental matched-pair cluster randomization design was used to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between an independent and dependent variable. Maize farmer groups totalling 637 farmers were randomly selected and followed the experimental design of the “Evidence-based Scaling of Improved On-Farm Storage among Smallholders in Tanzania” intervention from Kilosa and Kondoa districts of Tanzania, whereas the treatment group farmers received training and free five hermetic storage bags each, while the control group farmers did not. However, this study documented the demographic profiles of farmers in association with KAP on HST using a pre-designed structured questionnaire and used ordinary least squares regression to explore this relationship. We find evidence consistent with a positive and significant relationship between training, KAP, and adoption. The results suggest that the KAP score and adoption were high for farmers who received training as an intervention for PHM using hermetic bags. Overall, the results are consistent with the theory that there is an effect between training and KAP and, thus, the adoption of HST. The study recommends placing emphasis on farmer’s training programs regarding PHM, thus increasing their knowledge, attitude, and practices, and hence their adoption, to enhance food loss control.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Daniel Dramani Kipo-Sunyehzi, David Suaka Yaro, Gregory Titigah Nature of the Mau Forest evictions in Kenya 2024-06-28T14:36:00+00:00 Betty Chemutai Koech <p>Protected areas such as national parks, conservation zones, and nature reserves are globally defined so by governments primarily to preserve the natural environment for the benefit of flora and fauna, that is, for the public good. Eviction of Forest communities is a result of this endeavour. The Ogiek community of the Mau Forest complex in Kenya have fallen victim to this.&nbsp; The government declared the forest a protected area and hence evicting them contrary to Chapter Four of the Kenya Constitution that gives all Kenyans regardless of where they live, fundamental rights and freedoms. The evictions raise the question of what happens to the evictees’ human security. It is against this backdrop that this study set out to examine the nature of Mau Forest evictions in Kenya. The study used descriptive research design and had a sample of 472 respondents who included 384 household heads, 1 County Commissioner, 2 Deputy county commissioners, 7 chiefs, 32 village elders, 10 Police Officers, 1 UNEP Representative, 1 UN Habitat Representative, 10 Officers from Kenya Forest Service (KFS), 5 officers from Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), 5 heads NGOs, Directore (NEMA), 10 Heads of CBOs. The study applied simple random and purposive sampling techniques. Interviews, questionnaires, FGDs and observation were used to collect primary data while secondary data was gathered from publications.&nbsp; SPSS version 26 was used to analyse quantitative data and presented in tables, graphs, and charts. Narratives and verbatim quotations were used to present the qualitative data. The study found that the Mau forest evictions had negative effects on Ogiek human security, including deaths (86%), injuries (97%), destruction of homes (98%), farms (80%), livestock (52%), illness (95%), lack of sanitation (92%), gender-based violence (69%), disruption of schooling (100%), loss of culture (94%), separation from family (88%), loss of livelihoods (98%), and increased human-wildlife conflicts (78%), and 100% of respondents feared for their safety. The study recommends that, the government adopts a more humane and sustainable relocation policy and provide alternative ways of livelihood to the victims.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Betty Chemutai Koech A Systematic Review on the effects of PTSD associated alcohol abuse on social economic status among youth living in Kiambu County, Kenya 2024-06-28T14:17:54+00:00 David Nzioka Mutisya Joseph Theuri <p>The deeply rooted issue of alcohol abuse in Kenya continues to negatively impact the well-being of the youth population. In a study conducted in 2018, an estimated 45–50% of alcohol-abusing youth in Kiambu County had post-traumatic stress disorder. The main purpose of this paper is to review and synthesize existing literature articles on the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)-associated alcohol abuse in Kenya’s context. The review shows that PSTD related to alcohol abuse, though not well studied in Kenya, is a real challenge facing the youth. It affects their learning processes as well as their transition to colleges and other higher education institutions. Alcohol abuse also affects employment prospects for youth and leads to impoverishment. It also challenges the productivity and entrepreneurial capacities of these youth, leading to further impoverishment and reduced socioeconomic prospects. On the basis of these findings, it is pertinent to come up with psychosocial support mechanisms for alcohol abusers suffering from PSTD. The government should establish funding strategies for the rehabilitation of PSTD-affected youth. Also, government empowerment programs in Kenya should factor in mechanisms for ensuring that youth with PSTD-related alcohol abuse can access funding to enhance their socioeconomic status.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Joseph Theuri The Influence of government and faith-based interventions on the management of teenage pregnancy in Mombasa County, Kenya 2024-06-28T14:42:45+00:00 Joseph Theuri <p>The purpose of this study was to assess government and&nbsp;faith-based interventions measures on the management of teenage pregnancy with reference to Mombasa County, Kenya. The findings show that the issue of teen pregnancy is of great concern in the county of Mombasa.&nbsp; This is evidenced by the high rate of school dropout among girls who got pregnant, early motherhood, transmission of venereal diseases, cases of abortion and death after abortion in some cases. Pearson correlation shows that family stability (0.006, P&gt;0.05) and school based interventions (r=0.063, p&gt;.05) did not have significant effects on the management of teenage pregnancy. On the other hand, the regression coefficients shows that religious interventions could statistically predict the management of teenage pregnancy (P values &lt;0.05). Furthermore, government interventions had a statistically significant moderating influence on the relationship between ecological transformative social change strategies and the management of teenage pregnancy. As a result, the government interventions are urgently needed to address teenage pregnancy in Mombasa County. There is need to put measures in place aimed at checking teenage pregnancies and their associated consequences such as abortions, girls dropping out of school as well as early marriages among others. There is also need to strengthen the contribution of families and school interventions in curbing teenage pregnancy. Civil society organizations, role models and other targeted community based interventions should be carried out to advocate for changes that could lead to reduction in teenage pregnancy among girls. The government in its capacity should be at the centre of ecological transformative social change strategies and the management of teenage pregnancy in Mombasa County.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Joseph Theuri