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Impact of Risk Management on Success of Livestock Production Project: A Case Study of the Kageno Rwanda Project

Gaspard Ntakirutimana
Celestin Musekura


The purpose of the study was to assess impact of risk management on the success of livestock production project with a case study of Kageno Rwanda Project. The specific objective of the study was Assessing the Risk Management Process for Livestock Production in the KAGENO Rwanda Project. Risk Management Theory guided this research. This study employed descriptive research design The data was collected by using questionnaires, interview and documentation techniques with a sample size of 500 which stratifies into 15 Staffs of Kageno Rwanda Project, 480 Farmers and 5 Veterinaries Doctors for interview. The findings showed that identifying risk is the first stage in risk management (Mean=4.13 and std.=0.96). The second process of risk management within Kageno Rwanda Project is risk assessment which confirmed by (mean=3.94 and std=1.09), the third process of risk management is risk mitigation which presented by (mean=2.26 and SD=1.58). The study concluded that the bulk of the low-income farmers in the Kageno Rwanda Project reside in a region where crop diseases, floods, sickness among family members, and crime are common. The researchers recommend that the government has to be aware that risk management techniques are a flexible project tool, particularly for livestock and agricultural projects. The farmers should improve the living condition of livestock employees in order to overcome labour shortage and the farmers should try to eliminate all risk by insuring their livestock.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 3006-3493