The Lohangó language is one of many variants of Lokonda (Bantu C.64). It is spoken by the Bohangó whose origins are said to go back to Mpama in the territory of Lukolela passing by Lokongo L'ôwâki, in the sector of Lake Ntómbá, where their elálí or former village is located. This was before they occupied their present site: the Loóndó grouping, in the sector of the Ekonda, Territory of Bikoro, in the Equator Province. The Bohangó are established in the west of this Ekonda sector, where they are neighbours to the Ntomba and the Bolia. They live in the following villages: Batô, Binteke, Itónga, Mpángi and Nsóli. The Lohangó language comprises two variants: one which is spoken at Binteke and Itónga and which is close to Lontómbá with which it borders, and another one, which is the object of this study and which is closer to Lokonda. It is used at Batô, Mpángi and Nsóli and known also under the glossonym Lompángi, from the name of the big Mpángi village. However, the mixed use of Lontómbá and Lokonda is observed in the two languages.
Keywords: lohangó, lokonda, Bohangó, Bantu, Mpama, Lukolela, Ntómbá, Loóndó, Ekonda, Bikoro
Le lohango; est une des nombreuses variantes du Lokonda (C 64). Il est parlé par les Bohango;, trubu dont l'origine remonterait à Mpa;ma;, dans le Territoire de Lokulela en passant par Lokongo l'ôtwâli, dans le secteur du lac Ntômbâ, où l'on retrouve leur élalí ou ancien village, avant qu'ils n'occupent leur emplacement actuel: le groupement Loóndó, dans le secteur des Ekonda, territoire de Bikoro, à l'Equateur. Les Bohangó sont établis dans l'Ouest dudit secteur où ils sont voisins des Ntómba et des Boli. Ils peuplent les villages ci-après: Batô, Binteke, Itónga, Mpángi et Nsóli.
Mots-clés : lohangó, lokonda, Bohangó, Bantu, Mpama, Lukolela, Ntómbá, Loóndó, Ekonda, Bikoro
(Annales Æquatoria, 22(2001): 185-203)