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Conflict and subversion in the Central Congo between 1920 and 1940
au Congo, la période d'entre les deux guerres, est souvent considérée comme étant pacifique et un exemple de stabilité sous l'Administration Belge. Révoltes et insurrections se seraient produites avant et après, mais pas pendant les années vingt. Le but de cet article est de prouver le contraire. Les preuves qui sont avancées ici s'appliquent sur trois districts: l'Equateur, le Sankuru et le Lac Léopold II. La majorité de l'information provient de documents d'archives coloniales.
Mots-clé: Congo Belge; Léopold II; Entre les deux guerres; révoltes; insurrections; Equateur; Sankuru; Lac Léopold II.
The interwar colonial period in the Congo is often considered as a peaceful and stable example of the ideal Belgian rule. Revolts and contestations arose before and after, but not during these twenty years. It is the aim of the article to counter this idea by providing proof of the contrary. The evidence that is presented here focuses on three districts that were located in the central Congo, namely the Equateur/Tshuapa district, the Lac Léopold II district and the Sankuru district. The majority of the information is based on colonial archival data.
Keywords: Belgian Congo; Leopold II; Interwar; revolts; Equator; Sankuru; Lac Leopold II.
Annales Æquatoria 24(2003): 77-96