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"Cinq années au Congo" de Henry M.Stanley. Une étude bibliophilique
Mots-clés: Etat Libre du Congo, Stanley, Gérard Harry, traductions
The history of the different editions of Stanley's Congo and the Founding of its Free State is very complex. It is also the only text by the great explorer that was translated in French by a Belgian, Gérard Harry (1856-1931), that was printed in Belgium and that came out in Brussels. In this article, the authors study neither the content nor the illustrations of the French edition, but limit themselves to its material description. First, they give a brief overview of the historical circumstances in which it was made. In addition to the edition in the original language, they located translations in French, German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Danish and Dutch. The French publication of this book is characterized by the fact that there are four different versions.
Key words: Congo Free State, Stanley, Gérard Harry, translations
Annales Æquatoria 24(2003): 7-30