Tsire is a local meat delicacy (kebab) in northern Nigeria, which has become popular and widely acceptable throughout the country and even beyond. Three production sites of tsire were evaluated for the environmental impact and hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) on the microbiological and chemical qualities of the product. The microbiological evaluation was done using aerobic plate count (APC) and specific microbial counts for Bacillus cereus (BC), coliforms (CC), Clostridium perfringens (CLC), Staphylococcus aureus (SC) and yeast and mould counts (YM). The results of these evaluations showed that averagely APC was log10 5.42, BC was log10 3.23, CC was log10 4.10, CLC was log10 2, 84, SC was log10 4.13 and YM was log10 2.07. Generally, the total counts as well as counts of organisms of public health significance were relatively high. This trend was in agreement with earlier reports. The proximate chemical composition of the product was carried out and the result of the analysis showed the mean moisture content to be averagely 11.9%, protein 31.8% and ash 2.4%. The potential hazards of the product determined included the improper handling of the raw beef, post process contamination from handlers as well as the environment due to mode of keeping the finished product, especially where it has to be stored overnight. The critical points in the production of tsire included the roasting process as well as reheating after holding over night. The hazards evaluation showed sharp practices through which microbial, other contaminants were introduced into the product, and these may survive the processing stages through to the final consumers. The spices used in the product were also good sources of contaminants and this could be avoided if good manufacturing practices are followed in their processing. The environment generally had a great impact on the final quality of tsire. Good hygienic practices need to be emphasized and ensured throughout the production process.