The nutritive value and utilization of Achatina fulica snail meal was assessed using thirty gestating rabbits fed up to weaning of kits, and 100 weaned rabbits (fryers) fed for 4 weeks. Diets were formulated to contain 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60% replacement of fishmeal with snail meal in diets 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Diet had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the reproductive and growth parameters. Gestation length was shortest (31.5 days) for rabbits on diet 5 and longest (32.2 days) for those on diet 3. Litter size at weaning was highest for rabbits on diet 5(7.5 kits/doe) and lowest (4.6 kits/doe) for those on diet 3. Mean kit weight at birth was highest (54.8 g) for rabbits on diet 3 and lowest (45.8 g) for those on diet 5. Mean kit weight at weaning was highest (246.1 g) for rabbits on diet 3 and lowest (177.4 g) for those on diet 2. Mean daily fryer feed intake on the other hand was highest (37.5 g/day) for fryers on diet 1 and least (31.0 g/day) for those on diet 4. Fryers on diet 1 had the highest mean daily fryer weight gain (13.7 g/day), while those on diet 5 had the lowest (8.7 g/day). These results indicate that Achatina fulica snail meal could replace 60 and 30% of fishmeal in the diets of gestating rabbits and growing rabbits respectively.