The in vitro hatch assay was used to assess the anthelmintic properties of Afzelia Africana, commonly referred to as Mahogany, against Haemonchus contortus eggs using the crude ethanol extract (CEE) of the plant back. The extract was serially diluted at a range of 5 to 0.078mg/ml using a log interval. The fecal material was cultured in test tubes containing 5 ml of each of the serial dilutions of the plant extract. Fecal materials were also exposed to similar dilutions of albendazole, (positive control) and 5 ml of water (negative control). The plant extracts showed varying degree of inhibition of egg hatch, which was significantly higher (p<0.05) with a higher inhibition of egg hatch at the 5 mg/ml dilution (90.9% inhibitory activity). Similarly at the 5 mg/ml dilution, the plant extract demonstrated comperative anthelmintic efficacy with albendazole.