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Comparative study of the efficacy of Duocoxin and Amprol in relation to their effects on the development of resistance against mixed Eimeria infections in young chicks

J A Ajayi
D M Mohammed
O O Ajayi
B A Ogwurike
A T Oluwadare
W L Arabs
I G Ameh


Comparative efficacy of Duocoxin ® and Amprol ® on mixed populations of Eimeria necatrix, E. tenella,E. maxima and E. brunetti in chicks and their effect on the development of resistance against the infections were studied. The two anticoccidial drugs fed to chicks in drinking water for 14 days consecutively, or once 4 days after inoculation, inhibited and reduced oocyst production in chicks that had double exposure. Duocoxin ® was more efficacious than Amprol ® . When the two anticoccidials were fed to chicks 3 days before inoculation, pre-patent period was delayed, but the chicks later discharged more oocysts than those medicated for 14 days or once. The 60 mg/litre or 240 mg/litre of water levels of the two drugs did not interfere with the development of resistance against coccidiosis in the infected and medicated chicks. Chicks infected and medicated with the two anticoccidial agents for 14 days gained more weight, had better feed conversion rates and superior fecal and lesion scores than those that were either infected or medicated once after infection or those medicated 3 days before infection or those that were infected but not medicated. The two anticoccidials were not toxic in the chicks. Mortality rate was 14.29%-19.05% in chicks that were medicated once after infection; and 23.81%-28.57% in those medicated before infection. There was no death among chicks that were infected and medicated for 14days and those not infected but medicated for the same period.

Animal Production Research Avancees Vol. 3 (1) 2007: pp. 55-63

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0794-4721