The birth till weaning performance of Friesian–Bunaji calves in Vom, Nigeria were assessed during a six-year period 1989-1994. The least squares means (Kg)±C.V (%) for birth weights (BWT), average daily gain (ADG) and weaning weight (WWT) were 31.8±15.9,0.9±17.9 and 83.1±15.5 respectively. Sex, year, parity (p<0.05) and season (p<0.001) significantly affected BWT. Where as the effects of parity, season and year of calving significantly (p<0.001) affected ADG and WWT. There was a positive correlation(r=0.362, p<0.001) between BWT and WWT. The growth from birth to weaning at 90 days of the calves was described by the following equations Y= 35.3+0.45 x+0.0023x 2 (R 2=70.6) and Y=34.2+0.52x (R2=59.0) for male and female calves respectively. Male calves grew faster and were heaviest at all stages. The result of the study shows that Friesian-Bunaji heifers are likely to attain breeding weight at a fairly early age and the utilization of excess bull for dairy beef production feasible under the prevailing weather and management.
Animal Production Research Advances Vol. 2(2) 2006: 66-69