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Knowledge and attitude gap toward ear, nose, and throat foreign bodies in children among parents and teachers in Federal Capital Territory

Enoch Auta Dahilo
Stephen Semenyakenso Yikawe
Ikeoluwa Elizabeth Omosule
David Femi Folorunso


Objectives: Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) foreign bodies (FBs) are common Otorhinolaryngological emergencies, especially among children. This study aims to assess the knowledge and attitude gap towards ENT FBs in children among parents and teachers, with a view to advocating public enlightenment on the dangers of ENT FBs in children. This study aims to assess the knowledge and attitude gap toward ENT FBs in children among parents and teachers with a view to advocating public enlightenment on the dangers of ENT FBs.

Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive prospective study. A multistage sampling method was used to enroll participants among the six Area Councils in the Federal Capital Territory. Participants were among parents and guardians whose children attended those schools. The instrument for data collection was a pre-tested, standardized, and semi-structured questionnaire.

Results: Of the 270 questionnaires issued, there were only 240 responses, which consisted of 29 parents and 211 teachers. Among the teachers, there were 128 females (60.7%) and 83 males (39.3%) M: F 1:1.5. Majority of them were 30–39 years 102 (51.2%). Most of the parents were between 30 and 39 years 14 (48.3%).

Conclusion: Awareness creation among the parents and teachers is fundamental to bridge the attitude gap in our society.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2782-7631
print ISSN: 2672-4715