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Assessment of MicroRNA-451, P-Selectin, Haemoglobin Levels, and Platelet Counts in Steady-State Individuals with Haemoglobin-S Variants in Jalingo, Nigeria
Background: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a prevalent monogenic disorder characterized by abnormal hemoglobin and associated with various clinical complications. Homozygous sickle cell (HbSS) erythrocytes have differential expression of many erythrocytic microRNAs (miRNAs). Elevated levels of miR-451 and let-7i-5p have been reported in HbSS and HbAS erythrocytes. P-selectin, a member of a family of adhesive proteins, plays an essential role in the initial recruitment of leukocytes and in the recruitment and aggregation of platelets to the site of injury during inflammation. This interaction is thought to contribute to the inflammation of SCD. This study aimed to assess the levels of microRNA-451, P-Selectin, hemoglobin concentration, and platelet counts in individuals with different hemoglobin-S variants in steady-state conditions in Jalingo, Nigeria.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Federal Medical Centre Jalingo in Taraba state, Northern Nigeria. Ethical approval was obtained from the Ethics Review Committee of Federal Medical Centre Jalingo, Taraba State. One hundred and twenty subjects were recruited for the study, stratified as 40 HbSS in steady state, 40 HbAS, and 40 HbAA. Blood samples were appropriately collected for the analysis of haemoglobin-S variants(alkaline cellulose acetate method),haemoglobin concentration (Hematology Auto-Analyzer), miRNA-451 (Real Time PCR) and P-selectin (ELISA technique). Statistical analysis was done using SPSS version 22 Software. A p-value of ≤ 0.05 was considered significant.
Results: The study found that HbSS subjects had significantly higher levels of microRNA-451, P-selectin, and platelet counts than HbAS and HbAA subjects, with p-values <0.0001. Hemoglobin concentrations were significantly lower in HbSS individuals. HbAS subjects had elevated microRNA-451 and P-selectin levels compared to HbAA subjects, but with similar platelet counts. A moderate negative correlation (r = -0.335, p < 0.035) was observed between microRNA-451 and P-selectin levels
Conclusion: The results indicate that microRNA-451 and P-selectin are significantly elevated in HbSS individuals, which may contribute to the pathophysiology of sickle cell disease