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Coagulation parameters and immune cell counts in pregnant women of advanced maternal age

EC Akwiwu
FS Sumbar
GM Eworo
MH Okoto
SB Egbe
DA Abunimye
JO Akpotuzor


Introduction: Haemostasis and immunity are vital aspects of health greatly affected in pregnancy. Pregnancy-induced hypercoagulability and upregulated immune response are believed to be beneficial at some level, but are capable of triggering immunothrombosis. Advanced maternal age is considered a risk factor for several health complications associated with pregnancy. To this end, a comparative investigation of cellular immune response and coagulation are warranted.

Methods: This study was conducted among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at University of Calabar Teaching Hospital. Pregnant women of advanced maternal age were recruited alongside equal number of younger pregnant women. Blood sample was collected from each participant into appropriate sample bottles. Standard manual methods were also employed for prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time and relative plasma viscosity tests. Platelet and total white blood cell counts were carried out by haemocytometry, while differential white blood cell counts were carried out by microscopy. Results are expressed as Mean ±SD following student t-test analysis of data on SPSS version 22.0. Statistical significance was drawn at a p≤ 0.05.

Results: Pregnant women of advanced maternal age had significantly shortened (p=0.006) PT (11.56±1.01secs) and lower (p=0.009) INR (0.95±0.07) compared to the younger pregnant women (12.52±1.33secs and 1.02±0.10 respectively). Pregnant women of advanced age had significantly higher (p=0.001) mean values than younger pregnant women in the following parameters; platelet count (258.40±38.35x109/l vs 180.76±37.74x109/l), total WBC count (11.44±2.98x109/l vs 8.03±2.21x109/l), neutrophils count (6.44±1.69x109/l vs 4.53±1.33x109/l), lymphocyte count and (4.59±1.30x109/l vs 3.19±0.95x109/l).

Conclusion: The present study observed higher hypercoagulability and immune response in older pregnant women compared to the younger ones.

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print ISSN: 2805-4024